Mini Project: 3D Smart House Model
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MINI PROJECT : 3D Smart House Model
Objective :
- To learn how to use an ESP32 microcontroller to control the electronic component by using the local network.
- Able to use Blynk app to view and control electronic circuit status on phone using ESP32.
- Build a 3D house model and able to use the ESP32 to toggle fan, light and alarm(buzzer).
- To implement the ultrasonic sensor and LDR into the project.
Equipment and components :
• 4x 5mm LED
• 10k Ohm resistor
• Light Dependent Resistor (LDR)
• SR04P Ultrasonic Ranging Module
• L298N Motor Driver / Stepper Driver (2 Channels)
• 3V Miniature Brush Motor with wire leads
• Piezo Buzzer with Wires
• Breadboard
• Jumper wires
• Android Device with Blynk app installed
Project Synopsis :
This 3D Smart House Model project is a small-scale room projectile that has function to control the fan, light and alarm using wireless connection. The microcontroller ESP32 is used in this project to enable wireless connection to control the electronic components. The application required to install is the Blynk app and the plugin of the Blynk should be installed in the Arduino IDE. The sensor used in this project are Ultrasonic sensor and LDR. The output of this project including three green LEDs, one red LED, two motors and a buzzer. The two motors can be controlled by the L298N Motor Driver.
Block Diagram for Auto Mode :
Figure 1: Block Diagram for Auto Mode
Block Diagram for Danger Alarm :
Figure 2: Block Diagram for Danger Alarm
Connection Diagram :
Figure 3: Circuit connection diagram using Fritzing
Figure 4: Pin assignment for ESP32
Coding :
Result :
Figure 5: Blynk Control Panel with Lux Graph and all status
Figure 6: When Bright (High Lux), On the Fans (Afternoon)
Figure 7: When Dark (Low Lux), On the lights (Night)
Figure 8: When near Ultrasonic sensor, red LED and Buzzer On
While building this mini project, few problems was arise that cause more research is required to finish this project. The first problem arises is the piezo buzzer that brought at first time is not suitable for the project because it has an active-low property. To solve this another piezo buzzer with voltage range of 3.3V-5V with active-high property is purchased for this mini project. Next is the L298N Motor Driver issue. Since this is first time to use this new component, the connection of the driver is wrong and cause motor not spinning. After finding solution online, it is found out that there is a plastic cover on the drive that need to remove to insert the female jumper wire. Finally, the insufficient voltage supply for the motor drive is also one of the issues that faced during connection. To solve it, instead of using 3.3V Vout pin in ESP32, the 5V Vout pin is used to supply for the motor drive.
Conclusion :
As a conclusion, this project is able to finish within the time limit. The sensors are working well, and the physical data is successfully converted and send to the computer as a digital data input value. By using the Bylnk app, a portable monitoring interface can be observed and controlled anytime at anywhere. The output electronic components such as LEDs, motor and buzzer are working well and the LDR can be used to determine the LUX value at the real-time. With the help of Arduino IDE, the ESP32 microcontroller is able to be programmed and display the digital value under the serial monitor. Finally, the L298N Motor Driver is managed to use as a driver to control two motor (fan) and the speed too but in this project, case will not use to control fan speed.
ESP32 Datasheet
LDR Datasheet
L298N Motor Driver Datasheet
SR04P Ultrasonic Ranging Module Datasheet
Fritzing circuit drawing software
-End of Mini Project-
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